Friday, July 24, 2015

Week of Belle and Sebastian, My Morning Jacket, and Dave Matthews Band.

    I'm back on trackish or on track for my behind schedule musings. This week I'm going to go back to last month and all of the concerts that I saw in the month of June. Some of the best touring musicians around including one indie Scottish band, and two festival and concert main stays. This week I will be reviewing Belle and Sebastian, My Morning Jacket, and Dave Matthews Band live in concert. 

Belle and Sebastian 06/18/15 Uptown Theater

      For the second time in my life I found myself at the Uptown Theater surrounded by more hipsters than I had ever seen. The first time was at Neutral Milk Hotel, this time was for the Scottish indie band Neutral Milk Hotel. We left right after I got off work so we missed the opener getting there just in time for Belle and Sebastian. Right at 8:30 the band take the stage and start with a song off of the new album Nobody's Empire and The Party Line which started a full on hipster dance party. Next up came two songs from their very first album Tigermilk, The State I'm In and Expectations. After that came the most long distance request I have ever seen. A couple came all the way from Texas to the Uptown Theater because they love it there and they were dying to hear Funny Little Frog so the band played it for them. After three new songs off of Girls in Peacetime Want to dance The brought fans on stage to play songs off of all the older albums.

Belle and Sebastian perform The Blues are Still Blue.

     The fans remained on stage dancing until the last couple songs of the main set, ending with I Didn't See It Coming and Judy and the Dream of Horses. The band came back for a two song encore of Me and the Major from If Your Feeling Sinister and my favorite song The Blues are Still Blue from The Life Pursuit. The set played songs from all of their albums lasting 18 songs and almost 2 hours, it was a blast. The band looked like they were having a blast also, recanting stories from Bonnaroo where John Hamm had fed them gummy bears. The shows are always more fun when the band is into it. Belle and Sebastian loved every minute of it.

My Morning Jacket 06/27/15 Northrop Auditorium

      We got there thinking we were running late, but we ended up getting there in time to see the opener Lizzo. She was a rapper handpicked by singer Jim James to start the show. She was one of the most high energy openers I had seen in a long time even if I wasn't the biggest fan of her music. The highlight was her throwing cookies into the audience during the song Bitches and Cookies. This tour was different because they were doing two nights in every city with two completely different setlists both nights. This was sort of unnerving because they have one that to me was far superior than the other. I didn't know which setlist we were going to get until we got there. They started up at 9 on the nose with Cicuital followed by a blasting Evil Urges, I'm Amazed, and Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1. Jim James would walked around in a cape high fiving the audience throughout much of the night all while dancing and killing it on vocals. He continued to amaze the audience with songs from all of his albums. Finally getting to one of my favorites Gideon and beginning to blow the audience away. It would continue to build in intensity and volume from here to the end of the night. That's the thing about a My Morning Jacket show it starts loud then it mellows to show off beautiful ballads and folk songs, then it builds and builds till the end where it explodes into a thing of indescribably beauty that gives you chills.

My Morning Jacket performing One Big Holiday live.

     The next few songs were Steam Engine, The Bear, and In It's Infancy. They blew the doors down with Dancfloors before choosing to end the set with the two best songs of the new album Only Memories Remain, and Tropics and jamming the hell out of them. I knew what was coming next but it didn't matter it was still going to be mind blowing. They came back and started the encore with Victory Dance and Lay Low before the one two punch of my two favorite songs Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 2 and One Big Holiday. They way extended both songs jamming for 20 minutes and blasting One Big Holiday to an absolutely incredible volume worthy or an Iron Maiden show. They did it subtly so you didn't notice until after the show when the your ears were ringing and you were too busy being starstruck with the wonder of what you just witnessed to care.

Dave Matthews Band 06/30/15 Wells Fargo Arena

     I know this was strange to think that I would ever have to drag myself away from something to attend a concert, especially Dave, but it was the semifinals of the world cup against Germany and I really had trouble. I waited till half time and then I bolted out the door went down town and took my seat. He was supposed to start at 7:30, but he didn't actually start till 8. He was playing two sets each night one acoustic and one electric. He started the show by himself with just a guitar on a cover song called Rye Wiskey before playing his own song Bartender and Stay or leave. As the set went on one by one he would bring out one member at a time to accompany him as he went. The biggest moments of the set came on What Would You Say and Two Step. They were fun singalongs, but he had skipped a lot of big songs so the second half was going to half to be huge, which it was.

Dave Matthews performing Ants Marching live. 

     After a 15 minute intermission he came back to a full electric stage show with Minarets.  Lots of jamming huge songs with great big sing alongs. The next few songs were the songs for the die hard fans with songs like Gravedigger, #41, and Rooftop. Don't worry thought the hits were coming, but for now the epic jam sessions were worth it. After fun songs like Black and Blue Bird, Dancing Nancies, and an epic version of Crush came the hit parade. Virginia in the Rain, Shake Me Like a Monkey, Everyday, and Grey Street ended the set with booming applause. Finally Dave and company came back and played what everyone wanted to hear the beautiful Space Between, and the epic closer Ants Marching. The latter was jammed out for a solid 10 minutes and we loved every second of it. I was so happy with the setlist and judging my his other shows we got lucky, others weren't as great. This show is one you need to see as a diehard or just a casual fan. They jam out, play the hits, trade solos, and rock out like nobody's business.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week of May Concert Recap

     This month was one of my most grand and adventurous concert months I have ever had. This was my birthday present from the universe, at least to me it was. Some of my favorite bands were coming to town and other just touring in general for the first time in a long time. This month I got to see concerts from the Kaiser Chiefs, Slipknot, Mastodon, Clutch, Willie Nelson, Beck, Anti-Flag, Ministry, The Decemberists, Buddy Guy, and Steve Miller Band. Yes I know I have a problem and I'm ridiculous! We could discuss that, or we could talk about the shows. Lets talk about the shows instead.

Kaiser Chiefs 05/04/15 Liberty Hall

      Kaiser chiefs had been on my list of live bands to see for a long time up there with The Hives, The Vines, Kasabian, Refused, and a tons of others. We got there after the opener but just in time to for Kaiser Chiefs. Within minutes out came the band with new song Factory Gates. The crowd was tiny for  huge band, but they didn't to mind at all. Lead singer Ricky Wilson came out with boundless energy and inspired the small crowd into a frenzy. He even joked that the next time they come back to Kansas they will play arenas if we each tell 1000 of our closest friends. They played all their hits Never Miss a Beat, Everyday I Love You Less and Less, Ruby, Angry Mob, and ended the set with OMG. During the break between the encore they played a video from their tour with the Foo Fighters where Dave Grohl yells at them, then they came back for the encore. They ended with Cannons and Omg. By the end of the show everyone was dancing, and the band were having a blast regardless of the crowd. Other bands should take note, you inspire the fun not the crowd inspiring you.

Slipknot 05/10/15 US Cellular Center

     After a series mysterious car failures with a flat tire and a bad spare we finally made it to Cedar Rapids. We got there for the last song of Hatebreed and made our way to the floor. XIX played as the band took the stage and when the curtain dropped as band started into Sarcastrophe. Immediately the floor became a tornado of movement and moshing. There were flames, stage dives, drum sets on lifts, and of course the new masks. The new stuff sounded great and the one two punch of Before I Forget, into Dulatiy was powerful, with full on baseball bats hitting the steel drums on the floating drum sets. Even with that said, the best live material came from the first two albums. They did there famous hit the floor where they had everyone in the room crotch to the floor and all at once jump up and go insane. If you like metal and haven't been a part of it you need to try it. 
 Slipknot playing Duality live.

      They played songs off of all their albums, but focused on their first two albums. They ended the set with the new live staple Cluster, before coming back to play (sic), People = S--t, and Surfacing. They put on one of the most energetic metal shows around and have been doing so since they started. The masks my change but the bands remains as great live as they always have been.

Mastodon/Clutch 05/12/15 7 Flags Event Center

     I got there a little late and just as Clutch started their co-headlining show. They don't use any special effects, screens, or fanfare. They just get out there and play rock music and I think that approach suits them well. They opened the set with The House that Peterbilt off of Clutch. They have a lot of albums and filled the full 90 minutes with songs from all of them including two off of an upcoming album. Forth song in they played on of my personal favorites Earth Rocker and really got the crowd going. We remember how good that album was. The real star of a Clutch live show is the power and ferocity of lead singer Neil Fallon. He is just mesmerizing to watch as he effortlessly delivers every time. Later in the set he brought out Bill Keliher of Mastodon to play guitar with them on an old favorite The Texan Book of the Dead. The ended the set with Spacegrass, Electric Worry, and One Eye Dollar.

      Mastodon were up next and after an amazing performance from them at Bonnaroo last year I was ready to ignore all the critics. Some that say this band is hit and miss on live shows, time to find out. They opened the set with two new ones Tread Lightly and Once More Round the Sun. The vocals here were a little hard to here at points especially from Brent Hindes who's mic seemed to be cutting in and out. Next came Blasteroid, Oblivions, and Chimes at Midnight. The crowd went nuts for Oblivion as I'm sure they always do. The energy from the band and crowd was great, as were the instrumentals. Especially from Brann Dailor who was perfect all night, but the vocals were pretty rocky sometimes making it hard to tell between songs. 
Mastodon playing Oblivion live.

     The setlist was mostly songs from Once More Round the Sun, with a few from every record but Remission thrown in. They ended the set with three older songs Megalodon, Crystal Skull, and closing the set with the prog epic The Czar. The band would surprisingly not come back for an encore. The show was very entertaining despite the problems, but I now see the hit and miss reputation as true. The first time they were untouchable, this time they were just good.

Beck/Willie Nelson 05/15/15 Starlight Teatre

     When I saw that Beck was playing Kansas City I bought tickets without thinking twice. He hasn't toured much since 2009 and he was at the top of my concert  Bucket list. Willie Nelson on the bill was just an added bonus. The only sad thing was that Willie ended up playing for 45 minutes, but he used the time wisely. He played 17 songs in 45 minuets including On the Road Again, Georgia on my Mind, Always on My Mind, and Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die. He ended the set with his final wish Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die. He sounded ageless as he always has. He truly is a living legend. Even more fitting that is back up band was members of his family.

      Beck came out to a huge applause starting things off quietly with The Golden Age, and Blue Moon. Next he introduced Willie Nelson by showing a video where Willie appeared as Wizard for the song Jackass. He brought out Willie next for a duet, their first in 20 years. Willie eventually made it to the stage and was obviously very high, he rambled through it. It was magic all the same, Beck joked it won't happen again for another 20 years. Next came the hit parade starting with Loser, Devil's Haircut, and Black Tambourine. This brought the crowd into a frenzy, Beck is a hell of a performer. Beck's set list is like a good party DJ, all over the place and perfect for the mood. Sissyneck, Think I'm in Love, Que Onda Guero, The New Pollution, and the explosively loud and rocking Soul of a Man quickly followed. 
Beck performs E-Pro live.

      Following that he slowed things down for some new/sea change material with Lost Cause, Heart is a Drum, Blackbird Chain, and Walking Light. The slower songs were quiet and beautiful and proving his musical diversity, as if he needed to prove it. He ended the set with a blasting Girl, funky Sexx Laws, and drawn out and hilarious Debra. He finally came back with the two he had to play going full rock star for Where it's at and the medley that followed, and ending with E Pro. It was the loudest, funkiest, and best song of the night. He puts on a real headliner style show and the sold out crowd knew that. He even told stories of his fond childhood in Kansas City, safe to say he will be back.

Anti-Flag 05/18/15 Woolys 

     This was my first real punk show in a while and for a band I had waited a long time to see. Missed them at Riotfest last year, so happy they came to me. The started quickly thanking the small but loyal crowd, introducing themselves. They launching into The Press Corpse, a new Song The Fabled World, and This is the End. The band gave one of their many speeches about what punk rock meant to them here and really riled up the crowd before launching into Sky in Falling, Sodom, and a rousing Broken Bones. The moshing really started here. Another even better speech about love and freedom to love anyone came here before Turncoat, All The Poison, and Cities Burn. After that the hits came with Power to the Peaceful, Underground Network, and This is the New Sound. 

Anti-Flag performing Die For Your Government.

     The next was the ballad One Trillion Dollars and the best speech of the night about justice and racism before F--k Police Brutality. The band came back and played the encore in the crowd with a full drum set on the floor with the singers. They demanded a circle pit around them before ending on Brandenburg Gate, a Blistering Die For Your Government, and Drink Drank Punk. Here the pit was so intense a light came down, the cops were called, and they signed autographs outside. It was intense to say the least.

Ministry 05/26/15 Woolys

     I wasn't sure I would get to go this one, but literally last minute it came together and I was seeing Ministry for the second time. I put in ear plugs remembering how unbelievably loud it was last time, and at 8:30 out came Al Jourgensen and company. The ghoulish lead singer took control of the night and immediately launched into five new ones Hail to his Majesty, Punch in the Face,  Permawar, Perfect Storm, and Fairly Unbalanced. The moshing here was all big bullies trying to hurt someone especially one guy who I called the silver back of the pit. He was patrolling the pit and picking fights with everyone on the side. Next came three off of Rio Grand Blood the title, Senior Peligro, and Lies lies lies. At which point silver back picked up smaller guy from the side and hurled him at me like a lawn dark. I took an elbow to the face. I had to leave for a bit because my nose was gushing blood.
Ministry playing So What Live.

     I came back to the end of Waiting and Worthless and waited to move up for a bit, thought not as far up. I stayed back for Life is Good and Watch Yourself. As the hits started the pit got worse and so did the silverback. Then two older hits with NWO and Just One Fix came out. This is where circle pits were in full form. The band knocked it out of the park all night at a dangerously loud volume. Al announced the olddys return and ended the main set with the most intense songs of the night, Thieves and So What. Finally silver back gets taken down and the entire crowd celebrates, until he came back to hit for the encore. They ended with Khyber Pass and Enjoy the Quiet. Just like that, the Ghouls were gone and my nose was bruised. Still it was ton of fun. I would have enjoyed more old school hits, but the new stuff was cool too.

The Decemberists 05/29/15 Sumtur Amphitheater

      The last time I had seen The Decemberists they skipped Mariners Revenge Song for just my show and I was determined to go back until I heard my favorite song live. We made our way out to the middle of nowhere Omaha to see the Decemberists. I wore shorts and a T shirt because it was late May, well the cold didn't care. After debating going to go buy a sweatshirt, we went in and got seats, somehow. Finally they came out with The Singer addresses his audience and Cavalry Captain. This was the coldest show I had ever been to I was already freezing but I held in there. After Down by the Water he went into how he wrote Calamity Song by playing Hank Eat Your Oatmeal as its inspiration. A few songs off the last two albums were played then Colin explained that the drummer created the setlist so we should hate or praise him. Then they launched into an extended Los Angeles I'm Yours, a beautiful Carolina Low, a folky Bower Scene, and Won't Want for Love.
The Decemberists performing the Mariners Revenge Song

     At this point Colin noticed how miserable the crowd was and led the crowd in jumping jacks before insulting them for looking stupid. Then it was off to the hits. Starting up The Wanting Comes in Waves and killing it. The Rake Song and The Crane Wife 3 came next and really got the crowd going and finally forgetting about the cold. They ended the set with A Beginnings Song. They came back quickly because it was too cold to wait. Playing a chilling version or 12/17/12 came next and he gave instructions on what to do for the closing song. They told us to make the sound of getting swallowed by a whale and started into my song Maraners Revenge Song. They had so much fun with this song, bringing out a whale cutout to eat them and doing a full line dance jig at the end of the song. We danced until we were warm and went home happy.

Steve Miller Band/Buddy Guy 05/30/15 Starlight Theatre

     I went to this show for one reason and one reason only, to see Buddy Guy. Steve Miller was an added bonus. He came out right at 8 and blasted into Damn Right I got the Blues. He still kills on the guitar like nobody's business and his voice sounded raw and bluesy. Every time he got to a chorus he had the audience sing a long and then made fun of them for screwing it up, "your f--king up the songs again". He blasted into a solo and Someone Else Steppin' In. After that he played that song and he made his way into the crowd while still playing a guitar solo, like a true legend. 74 years young was the songshe started in the crowd and made his way to the stage to make fun of the crowd again for being worse that Japan at English lyrics. Hoochie Coochie Man was the next song jammed on with the band. He played a solo and a medley of songs that led to Skin Deep and Strange Brew by Cream. He honored B.B. King by playing the Thrill is Gone. Another jam/medley came next and then ended on Feels Like Rain and Meet Me in Chicago. He said he would play all night if he could, thanked the crowd, and left. A true legend to this day.

     The headliner was Steve Miller Band a legendary band that I knew almost nothing about, but was ready to soak in. They came out to a huge lights show of their icon in the background. They opened with two songs I recognized ,Jungle Love and Take the Money and Run. I had a lot of fun with the band even though I didn't know most of the music. This show had so many drunk older white people I would have thought I went to a Jimmy Buffet Concert. They played music off of all of their albums for two straight hours and I enjoyed all of it. I finally recognized some of the music again at The Joker. After the jam out to the Joker they played Fly Like an Eagle, a song everyone knows. They left the stage after that and came back with Rock'n Me, Swingtown, and Jet Airliner. All songs I know and liked hearing. This was a really fun band even for a fan that didn't know very many songs. I went for Buddy Guy, but stayed and enjoyed Steve Miller Band.