Sunday, May 26, 2013

Week of Opeth, Relient K, Foals, and Of Monsters and Men.

     This past two weeks I have had the pleasure of seeing four amazing bands live: Opeth, Relient K, Foals, and Of Monsters and Men. The usually concert has me reviewing one concert all the way including the openers. However this week I’m not going to do that mostly because I couldn’t decide which one or even two I wanted to cover so this week I’m going to cover all four bands. That’s right, you heard correctly. I won’t talk about the openers, just the headliners all four of them.
      First off Opeth, the metal band from Sweden. I saw them May 15th at Wooly’s in Des Moines. Opeth played close to two hours and only twelve songs so that should already show you what kind of show this was. They are a metal band but they spent a large portion of the show showing off their musical diversity playing several ballads, psychedelic jams, and acoustic instrumentals. When they brought the metal though they really brought it. There were mosh pits all around through the show, and some of the friendliest pits I’ve ever been apart of.  The energy was through the roof, whenever the singer wasn’t singing he was interacting with the crowd and being the late night host of the evening. The crowd was one of the best and most responsive crowds I have ever seen with people coming from all over the state of Iowa to see Opeth first ever Iowa show. The band is a group of excellent musicians that show off their talents, with their expertise of their genre and instruments. I highly recommend that any metal fan check this band out. 
                                                          Opeth- Blackwater Park Live

      Next up Relient K, the Christian rock main staple. I was Relient K at Wooly’s on May 18th. This is just one of those shows where the fans just suck., you feel like you have to go home and wash yourself of the fan base, that by liking them you have unfortunately become a part of. The band finally comes on after several bad openers and reminds me of why I was there in the first place blasting out three hits in a row.  The band gave all they had energy wise and the singer throws out some crazy high range yelling that sounds great. The music was fun and the band was good, but the crowd sucked. They looked so bored during it, you could have easily forgot that they had paid to go to the show. They are a light Christian rock staple with a lot of hits to their name. They play them well to a terribly unresponsive crowd chalked full of pre teens who only know “Be My Escape”. Go see them for the music, but be warned that is what the crowd is like. 
                                                          Relient K- Be My Escape Live

     Then we have Foals, the hipster up and coming math rock sensation. I saw Foals on the 20th of May in Minneapolis at First Avenue. This is one of those bands that is way less popular then they should be. They are fun on CD but live they are a monstrous epic spectacular event. That’s right three adjectives you know I mean business. I dare you to find a more energetic in your face edgy band. They jump into the crowd and start dance pits, they jump off the second floor balcony on to the stage. The lead singer is a true rock star more upset by his hair getting touched then his legs from jumping down off the second story balcony. They give the music such a life that it doesn’t have on CD, bringing out a drum to play along with the drummer and the whole band goes into percussion breakdown mode, before the singer dives into the crowd. This was one of the best shows I have seen in a very long time. I would consider this band a must see.
                                                                   Foals- Inhaler Live
      Lastly we have Of Monsters and Men, a band from Iceland that is destined to become the next Mumford and Sons. I saw Of Monsters and Men in Kansas City at the Crossroads on May 21st. This was a different kind of show then I have ever seen before. I have seen folk bands before but those bands had taken the approach to make the songs louder, livelier, and bigger. This band didn’t do that at all. They played 1920’sesqe European music while they were setting the stage. It lulled everyone into a sleepy time tea mood. Then they came on and played the music exactly like it is on CD. It was more of a sit back and sway, or sit on a carpet and drink wine type of show. The music was beautifully performed and they played the whole CD live plus a couple extras and that was it. It was short, sweet, and straight to the point. I liked the show it just wasn’t what I expected. I had never been to a show that was quite that laid back before. The closest I had come was Spoon at Lollapalooza. It was music just for the music nothing else, and I liked it.
                                                 Of Monsters and Men- Little Talks Live

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