Monday, December 23, 2013

Week of the Worst Albums of the year

      This past year I have heard some very good albums that have changed my entire outlook on things and then there were those albums that just ruined my day. So this week I will be revealing my five most disappointing or worst albums of the year. Here we go starting from best to worst.

5. The Goo Goo Dolls- Magnetic

     The Goo Goo Dolls have been one of my favorite bands for years and up until now have been putting out good albums. Maybe not as good as the past albums but never before like this. This time around they tried to adopt newer sound of current popular artists instead of doing their own thing. The end was result was terrible, uninspired pop music with nothing else to it. This album made me very sad, because up until now they had never had a miss. Everyone gets one I suppose so here is hoping they do better next time.

4. Mgmt- Mgmt

     When Mgmt started they were one of the coolest things on the music scene. They have been getting weirder and weirder with ever release, there are two theories to this. The first is that they don't like writing pop hits so they self sabotage. The second it that they are now so high that they that they have no idea what they are doing. Their new music is just so strange it's not even listenable some of the time.

3. Relient K- Collapsible Lung

      This a band that has truly lost it's way, and is just phoning in what even they have to know is pop crap. The sad part is this album will probably sell very well, stupid Owl City, and crappy music taste these days. Don't I just sound like a hipster right now anyways. It makes me sad because I was one of the few that defended Christian rock on the occasion because of bands like Relient K, and this is what they give me. Please get over this identity crisis/radio airplay cash in soon and make fun pop punk songs again. Until then I will just pretend like this album never happened.

2. 30 Seconds to Mars- Love Lust Faith + Dreams

     I didn't know that 30 Seconds to Mars were capable of disappointing me anymore, but I was wrong. Jared Leto finds christian music and makes one of the worst albums Ive ever heard. He just keeps getting poppier and poppier. Yes, we get it you want people to listen to you again, and you haven't had an album in a while. Does it has to be the mainstream audience you have to sell to, what about your old audience. They sold out harder than Linkin Park on this album. What could be worse than this?

1. Black Flag- What The...

     Sometimes bands come together 10, 20, 30 years later after breaking up and stir up some magic and sometimes they should never have made it. This falls under the second category. I mean look at that album cover, it just screams piece of legacy ruining shit. It was so bad that even the lead singer Ron Heyes admitted it and the whole reunion didn't live up to his expectations. The grimey dark hardcore sound of previous records is gone on this highly polished record. They try to dive back into past themes like youth and angst, only now it feels forced like a mid life crisis. The music itself falls short like the only one on his game is Gregg Ginn and that isn't enough. It was a sad day and their legacy was tarnished.

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